Time for "Flannel Pajamas"
We just made a Christmas song! We wrote it the other weekend as we were mulling over what this year's holiday is going to be like, separated from friends and family, but still surrounded by so many traditional things--family decorations that have been passed down for generations, the lights throughout the neighborhood, the Charlie Brown album that we never get sick of, ever.
To us, it seemed like the Worst Year Ever had earned a new song in the deep tradition of wistful Christmas songs ("Blue Christmas, “Please Come Home for Christmas"). This year so many of us won’t see the people we love. So "Flannel Pajamas" wrestles with that longing and nostalgia for better Christmases, and then turns to that steadfast companion in holiday times—“the sauce.”
The lyrics veer back and forth between loneliness and wonder:
“Put your star at the peak,
hung up your stocking and
poured some whiskey for me”
And then the chorus declares "I forgot to ask for anything." For the outro, we were trying to enumerate all of the magical elements of Christmas, the things you pull out of the attic that remind you of your family and childhood. And then we alternated those with a few other traditional conduits to Comfort and Joy.
You can stream or buy the single on bandcamp (insert link) and watch the very hypnotic video on You tube. (need link)
Love and hot toddies,
Heather and Brian