As Christmas as it Gets
As you all well know, we loooove Christmas and we love Christmas music. But even we can get sort of tired of hearing the same songs after our gigantic playlist has repeated for nearly a month. But there’s one album that we feel is such a masterpiece that we have been listening to it over and over since it came out in 1999. Low’s Christmas completely redefined the genre. It’s never cheesy or saccharine. It is deeply moving, eerie, sad, beautiful, haunting, and—in the case of the outlier but most-famous song “Just Like Christmas”, somehow playful and wistful at once.

IT’s almost that time
It’s almost Thanksgiving now and we’ve been hard at work on new material for the last year. We wrote and recorded a brand new album, and we are currently listening to the masters and drinking too much coffee as usual.

Tis the saison again!
We were inspired to make a new Christmas playlist to celebrate--it's called A Little Something Under the Tree and it has all of our indie favorites. Check it out and be merry!

I’m leaving it under the tree!
Today we released our second Christmas song as a band (but our sixth collectively!). It’s called
“Under the Tree” and it is still quite warm from the oven. Can you feel it?

The Sisterhood of the Sad Pants
I made a playlist of some of my favorites and kicked the belittling label of “sad girl indie” in the nuts a little by titling the playlist “So Pretty When You Cry”.

Inspired by our newest single "Green (Mean Time)," we decided to find out how many of our favorite artists also had songs with colors in the names.

Over New Year's weekend, we decided to do something we've wanted to do for a very long time--drive six hours across the state to Joseph, Oregon.

Behold our Christmas playlist!
Seasons Greetings! We are such hard-core Christmas nerds that not only did we make a new holiday song, but we also made a Christmas playlist called Tinsel on the Tree with all of our favorites.

Songs Of the Sea
Six days ago, we released our second single off our upcoming album: “Sailor Down” And with it, a very saltwater-themed video filmed all along on the Oregon Coast.

Happy Sunday! Perhaps we drank too much wine while watching The Queen's Gambit. Perhaps we needed to soothe ourselves with music.

This is the first blog post about a band named after a very dangerous car…